
Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Science of Food

A blog I subscribe to called Khymos is a food science one that deals with my favorite pasttime in the scientific sense.  While they do not post very often, when they do, it's always something that I find educational and will someday incorporate into my own cooking style.

Today, a post came out about a free food journal available online today.  Entitled International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, it is formatted in a way that will remind you of other scientific journals usually reserved for physicians and scientists.  Since my regular job requires me to read such academic journals, this fits very comfortably into my reading style. 

For now, the first issue has been made available as an open source with no news on whether or not it will become a "for pay" site.  While it's up, I would suggest you download it and save it somewhere safe to read later.  I've already downloaded the entire thing and will be reading it on my iPad as soon as I can. 

Thanks for reading