
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My First Post, My First Challenge

Welcome to what I hope will be the first of many entries to come. I decided to start a food blog after realizing that I spend most of my time of Facebook posting pictures or writing about what I've eaten or what I've seen during my day that are food-related.

For this first entry, I want to challenge myself and thought by putting it online for the world to see that I will be able to hold myself accountable.

It dawned on me a couple of weeks ago that I have a lot of spices on my spice rack that isn't being used as often as I would probably like. Oh sure, when I bought that bottle of nutmeg or vial of saffron, I thought that I would make fabulous and exotic dishes with it. The fact of the matter is that if I probably only use about 15% of the items that are sitting on the rack just begging to be used.

The challenge is this:

Over the next few weeks, I will require myself to make dishes that use at least one of the following items on my "rarely used" spice list as follows:

  1. Cardamom
  2. All Spice
  3. Cloves
  4. Almond Extract
  5. Pumpkin Spice
  6. Garam Masala
  7. Vanilla Beans
  8. Saffron
  9. Nutmeg
  10. Ground Mustard
  11. Tumeric
  12. Coriander
  13. Sage
  14. Thyme
  15. Celery Seed
  16. Tarragon
  17. Cumin
As you can see, some of the items will be easy to knock off and some will be a little challenging.  Still, I want to be able to use these and thereby clear out my cabinet and perhaps be a little more efficient with my food spending.  Any recommendations for future dishes using these ingredients are more than welcome.

Thanks for joining me on this blog. I hope you find it enjoyable and fun.


    1. Check out this webpage if you haven't already -

      and then you can do a search by your spice.

      also, i like this recipe -

      it'll knock out tumeric

    2. Thanks for the help. I'm always looking for new websites to try out new recipes.

    3. I love this whole blog idea, Gregg. We fell in love with cardamom while living in Norway - - it was in most of the baked goods where we would just sprinkle cinnamon. It is SO costly back here in the U.S., though. Ouch. Anyway, good luck with this!

    4. Thanks Martin. Ideally, I want to think of non-traditional ways to use the spices. That will make it fun for me but hopefully it'll taste good
